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Welcome To
“The Greatness Of God”
Devotional Series

Faith Building Information
There is no one like God; we will never be able to fathom just how great He really is. We will need all the experiences of eternity to begin to understand His greatness. However, it is vital that we learn as much as we can about that greatness now.

Since God requires that we believe He exists and that He rewards all who diligently and earnestly seek Him, then we are going to have to have the information we need to support that faith.

Evidence That Builds Faith
God didn’t create our mind and heart for “blind” faith. We always need proof and supporting evidence. The huge problem is the fact that we have to have faith in order to experience that proof. And, we can’t believe until we get that proof. That puts us between a rock and a hard place.

This study deals with the proof we need without us having to experience it personally. God’s Word, the Bible, is unique in that it is able to build faith inside us because it gives us power to believe. The more we read the Bible and Scriptural principles out of the Bible, the more faith is able to grow in us.

Living In The Bible
Faith from the Bible comes from us experiencing events that others lived. As we read the four Gospels, we see Jesus doing great things. And, the Holy Spirit helps us move into the Gospels and live them with Jesus.
As we read, we start hearing Him talk; and we start seeing Him work miracles. These Biblical accounts become spiritual EXPERIENCES that build living faith in us.

Also, when we read a Scripture from the Bible, it comes with power to help us believe. The Scriptural principles we use in these devotions are from God; and when He speaks, it creates the things He wants them to create. As we breakdown Scriptures from the Bible and present them to you, faith starts growing inside you.

From Bible Experiences To Life Experiences
As you grow in faith from reading your Bible and studying Bible principles in these devotions, miracles start happening in your life. As you continue to read, study, pray, and meditate on God’s Word through these devotions, it puts a faith in your heart. That faith will give you enough trust in God to start you experiencing the greatness of God in your own life.

The more you experience God’s greatness in your own life, the more faith will increase in your heart. From that point on, you will be receiving faith from two sources. You will be getting it from the Scriptures and their principles; AND, you will be getting it from your life experiences. You need this study to spark the beginnings of faith that will ignite greater and more consistent faith for your future.

God bless you abundantly as you move forward in your spiritual journey.   

Please Select The Devotion You Wish To Go To
1- Who God Is 2- Who God Is In You 3- Who God Is Through You

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