Series One
When you create a human with a free will and you are as honest as God is, that can cause a lot of problems. God gave Adam and Eve a free will; and He gave them some trees to exercise that free will on. As you know, they chose the wrong tree and contaminated the earth and all its inhabitants with a spiritual disease.
That disease is causing all of us to struggle with feeling things, thinking things, saying things, and doing things we don’t want. It also fights our efforts to start feeling, thinking, saying, and doing the right things.
It was quite an assignment; but, God pursued mankind throughout the entire Old and New Testaments and provided us with a cure without taking our free will away from us. It is amazing to see just how much God loves you and what He was willing to do to show you the greatness of that love.
To go to this series please select “The Pursuit Of God” title above these comments.
Series Two
Jesus will use this series to take you to the next level of respect, adoration, and faith in God. He will help you to see just how great God is and then help you use that knowledge to put your complete faith, trust, dependency, and reliance on Him.
Living life to the fullness and abundance that God has for you is majorly built on the issue of faith. The more you see God’s greatness, the more you are able to believe that He CAN and WILL answer your prayers positively. He will help you be ready to open your eyes and heart to God’s greatness so you can see that He can easily take good care of you.
God is not only all powerful, He is all loving. Not only that, He knows everything. Which means He never makes mistakes. And, if that isn’t enough, He is everywhere. That means He will always be right there every time you call out to Him with a need or reach out in love.
To go to this series please select “The Greatness Of God” title above these comments.
Series Three
A lot of people are wandering around in life because they either don’t have a dream from God; or, they have forgotten what He told them. We are lost without having a direction toward the purpose God has for us.
Jesus uses this series to help you let God show you the dream He wants you to have. He will explain why all the things that have been happening to you have been happening. You will know what God wants you to do about them and how to use them to be able to accomplish great things.
To go to this series please select “The Dream” title above these comments.
Series Four
When you became a Christian, you were born into God’s family. You are now a child of God, a member of His family, and a citizen in His eternal kingdom. Jesus is now training you how to live as a child of God. Just like you had to learn how to live as a human all this time, you now have to learn how to live as a child of God. This is a very exciting opportunity for you to find out what children of God can do. The limitations you have as a human don’t apply to you as a child of God. This is a time of devotions where Jesus trains you into growing up in Him.
First you need to know what being a child of God is all about. Then you need to learn what all is available to you as a child of God. After that you need to learn how to apply all these things you have discovered. From this devotional series on, it will be a matter of you getting good at being a mature, trained, successful, adult child of God.
To go to this series please select “The Children Of God” title above these comments.
Series Five
Many have wished they had some sort of life manual. It would be disappointing to reach the end of your life and find out that you did it all wrong. What if you could start your life out RIGHT from this moment on? Wouldn’t that be great, if you could find out all the secrets to life and start living them?
It doesn’t take a person much time to realize that the Bible is the manual for life. Like a perfect product that you buy at the store, you know it is real by the way it does exactly what the advertisement said it would. The Bible, the Word of God, is going to change your life just like it says it will. You will know it is real because it meets and exceeds all your expectations. Let Jesus help you take a look at what it will do for you.
To go to this series please select “The Word Of God” title above these comments.
Series Six
Before they sinned, God carried on conversations with Adam and Eve in the cool of the evening. God and Abraham talked together on numerous occasions. God talked with Moses face to face. All through the Old Testament you will read about conversations God had with people.
In the New Testament God talked to people as Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Now God talks to all of us through His Holy Spirit. Since you have the Holy Spirit living in you, God is able to talk to you Spirit to spirit which comes to you in your thoughts. Unfortunately, the Holy Spirit isn’t the only one trying to influence your thoughts.
There are four voices talking to all of us on a regular basis and we are responsible for deciding which one we are going to listen to. For those of us who want to do what God tells us to do, we try to only listen to God. But it sometimes gets confusing as to what voice is coming from God and which one isn’t.
Jesus will be taking you through the Word of God to show you how to tell the difference between the voice of God and all other voices. Hel will also help you see what the Bible says you are to do when you hear from God and when you hear from others. This is one of the most important series as it helps you respond to your heavenly Father in a biblical way.
To go to this series please select “Hearing God’s Voice” title above these comments.
Series Seven
God answering prayer has been a big issue in many people’s minds. How do you get God to answer your prayers favorably? There are certain things that have to be addressed before you can get this started. God wants to answer your prays in a positive way; but, you have to know how to tap into all God has to offer. Jesus uses this series to address these issues. It is vital to get God’s answers to your prayers and when Jesus starts helping you do what it takes to start getting more and more answers, it is a wonderful breakthrough.
Jesus doesn’t respond to you like the people in this world. As long as you pay them, they don’t care much what kind of a person you are. Jesus, however, uses your desires to help you head in the right direction. When you really want something, it is a good time to use that desire to help you do what you have been refusing to do. You can often know you should make changes; but, you just never get around to it. When you need something and Jesus wants you to change first, you are more likely to make the change and be blessed by that change.
To go to this series please select “God’s Answers To Prayer” title above these comments.
Series Eight
Just like children learn about life inside the safety of a playground or playroom, we are learning how to live in the spirit realm by practicing here on earth. We provide children with dolls, toys, and games that have certain counterparts in real life. When they start going to school, we provide them with studies that give them educational tools they are going to need as they grow up.
That is what Jesus’ purpose for this series is all about. The more Jesus helps you understand what you are going to experience in eternity, the more you will know what to excel in now. This is a great series for Jesus getting you ready for life here and in eternity with God.
To go to this series please select “The Kingdom” title above these comments.
Series Nine
A lot of Christians don’t know that God has an awesome plan for their life. They don’t know that they were born to be winners in life. Even some who appear to be winners in life don’t know how to REALLY win at life. You were born to win! Jesus has laid out the rules to winning in the Bible. They are fair, just, dynamic, and powerful rules that empower you to be a winner. Just allow Him to explain to you what it takes to win, and you will find it easy to win in all areas of your life.
There are three things that are teaching all of us to lose. Once you start working through these three issues, you are going to start living a whole new, powerful Christian life. Jesus will be taking you through the steps to identify the problems and the answers on how to overcome them. You will see some wonderful Scriptures that will set you free to win at life and be able to help others do the same.
To go to this series please select “Born To Win” title above these comments.
Series Ten
We all join the family of God through the gospel message. The word “gospel” actually means, the good news. The wonderful thing about responding to the good news about Jesus is the fact that, that is only the beginning of the good news. Becoming a Christian is just the door into the wonderful things of God. You will keep getting good news for the rest of your life here and in eternity. The good news will just keep on coming your way.
From your first day in the family of God on, it will be a constant and increasing flow of good news into your life. However, that only happens if you allow God to keep sending you more and more good news. You have to invite the good news into your life as you learn more about it. In this series Jesus will be teaching you how to access all the benefits of God’s good news for now and for eternity.
To go to this series please select “The Good News” title above these comments.
Series Eleven
Relationships are really what God is all about. Whether you look at the Ten Commandments where God lays out how to treat Him and those around you, or whether you look at the Sermon On The Mount, where Jesus talks to you about a relationship with Him, it is all about relationships. God cares about your relationship with yourself, the relationships with those around you, and your relationship with Him. Jesus wants to help you experience the power of love so you can have relationships that are real and meaningful.
Relationships are often the area where you will end up having the most problems. People aren’t all that easy to get along with. Even some of your best friends and closest people, you will find times of difficulties. The Bible has awesome guidance and power to heal all your relationships and make your life wonderful. Let Jesus show you what it is going to take to start being blessed by God within yourself and with the people around you.
To go to this series please select “Building Relationships” title above these comments.
Series Twelve
Our attitudes toward people who are physically sick are often different from those who are spiritually sick. We all need to treat those who are suffering from various spiritual diseases with the same love, concern, skill, and non-judgmental attitudes as we do in a hospital. There is no judgment, critical evaluations, rejection, shame, or unnecessary requirement placed on people. No matter how the person got in that condition, the objective is to help them get well. That is how it is in working with God.
As Jesus helps you discover how to turn your church, your family, your marriage, your business, or your relationships into a spiritual hospital, you expand your influence into the lives of people who desperately need your help. Jesus also teaches you how to better reach your community with the powerful principles of the Bible. It is an attitude change toward people and how you feel about their behavior.
To go to this series please select “Working With God” title above these comments.
Series Thirteen
All of Christianity is based on faith. Another word that can be used to describe your faith in God is trust. If you can put your trust in Jesus, He will help you get ready to be successful in this life and in your eternal life. Jesus is successful, victorious, a winner, and a champion of the spiritual life. You can’t possibly be trained by anyone better. But, He will only train you if you trust Him. He has to have your full cooperation. In order for you to win at life, you need to know all those things Jesus wants to teach you.
Jesus will cause these devotions to all work together to help you start living the life He is living. He wants to draw you into His life so you can feel and experience what it is like to be successful, victorious, a winner, and a champion of the spiritual life. Rather than you being told about it, He wants to allow you to live it with Him. He is offering you the most power teaching technique in all of existence. As He lives in and through you and you live in Him, He will let you experience the greatness of His work and ministry in you and in others.
To go to this series please select “Living The Christ-Life” title above these comments.