God’s Answers To Prayer Sermon Page
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Submitting To The God Of Power
The thing about God is that He doesn’t just tell us what to do and how to live. He is willing to pay the necessary prices to show us what to do and how to live. Jesus, the God of all creation, came to this earth in the likeness of us humans. He was willing to show us how to go about getting all that God has to offer. Like children who need to submit to the examples, training, and authority of adults, we need to submit to the examples, training, authority of God. Jesus is asking us to allow His attitude toward God to become our attitude. One of the first things Jesus is giving us the faith and power to start trying to obtain is His attitude. If we allow Him to give us the faith to start accepting His attitude, then it will make the rest of our spiritual growth come a lot easier.
Our attitude affects what we want and the way we think. Jesus is wanting to show you the way to a life of total victory through total submission to your heavenly Father. The example He is setting is coming from great possessions, power, position, and authority. |
He started with it all and then gave it all up. We started from nothing and gradually have gained a few possessions, positions, and power. Our attitudes decide what we will do with them. Jesus laid His life down for the needs of mankind. He did whatever it took to help us spend eternity with our heavenly Father in His Kingdom. Jesus is asking us to do the same. Our price will never be as great as the one Jesus paid. We will never have to give up so much that the price is too great. Instead we just have to learn how to give up control of our lives so God can do what needs to be done to use us to help hurting people. It is just a change of attitude. Rather than us trying to get God to do what we want Him to do. We yield to Him so we can do what He wants us to do. Pray for a change of attitude. Ask Jesus to help you have the same attitude He had. Pray that He will help you yield your life to His plan. Let Him use you to meet the needs of yourself and those around you. Trust your heavenly Father enough to start letting Him take control and tell you how He wants your life to go. |
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