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When Jesus starts to lead and train you through “Books For Successful Living,” you learn Biblical principles that empower your life in miraculous ways. All you have to do is read and pray through three pages of Jesus’ Biblical instructions each day for five days. He is providing you with just three pages so you will have time to apply them during your day.

Your Path To
Life Success

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“The Importance Of These Books”

Books For Successful Living

What Makes These Books So Special?
You may not have enough time to properly work on those things that would help you win at life. You want to be the kind of person who knows how life works. You want to increase in your potential for being a better, more successful person. You would like to live in such a way that you are doing what it takes for you to be really happy. You want to have the successful life other people seem to have. But, you have so many responsibilities, commitments, and demands put on you that you can’t find the time to grow and improve in those areas that improve you.

What do you need to do to find out how to live life, how to make it work for you, and how to win over its difficulties? What are the right rules, principles, and methods that work in real life? There are all kinds of philosophies, opinions, suggestions, and principles available to you; but, which ones are the right ones? There are a lot of books available, plenty of seminars, and more than enough training programs. But, most of them are about how to be better at your career, your job, and your finances. There is a lot more to you than just your time spent earning a living.

Getting The Best Life-System
It isn’t that you don’t want to improve your relationships, your finances, your emotions, your physical condition, and your happiness; it just seems like nothing really helps you with you. What about who you are, what you really want out of life, and who you want to be? Do you want to be living the way you are living? Are you happy with the way things are going? Is there something better and more rewarding? If so, how are you going to go about changing where you are to where you need to be?

Jesus has the best life-system; it is one that helps you keep growing in your abilities, skills, talents, and character. But, it happens while you are going about your normal life. Jesus won’t just jerk you out of your life and make you have to start all over again. He won’t make you go into a classroom to become His trainee and student of His awesome life principles. He will give you a whole new and wonderful way of living while gradually teaching and changing you into the person you have always wanted to be.

Jesus is currently giving you life-classes that He wants you to use His principles to win at. No doubt you are going through one now. If you have His principles and know how to use them, you are winning at the challenges of that life-class. If you find yourself struggling with your current life situation, then there are some very important principles that you need to learn. Jesus doesn’t take you out of the challenges of life; He just teaches you how to win at it. Jesus said in John 8:32 (NIV): “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Training For Your Life-Classes
There is a reason you are facing the life-issues you are facing. Those things you are going through right now have a purpose. They aren’t coming at you so as to wear you down, damage you, or defeat you, they are the life-issues that Jesus wants to use to train you how to win over them. Just like a sports team gets trained to win over an opposing team. Jesus is your coach for winning at life. A winning sports team is a well trained, well practiced, and well experienced team.

As a sports team gets ready for the season, they have special times for training and practice. All those things they experience get them ready for the actual game. If they have a good coach and they are receptive players, all those things they practiced and learned were the very things they faced when they played against the opposing team. There would be no surprises; there wouldn’t be any new rules; they wouldn’t confused about why things were happening; they would know exactly what to do when they faced a certain situation.

Prepared For Your Life-Class
Jesus said in Matthew 6:25 (NIV): “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? It is true you have to earn money to pay your bills and buy the things you need. But, is that all there is to life? While you are going through the “normal” routines of your life, Jesus wants to be training you to achieve things that go far beyond the rat race or the humdrum of life.

You are being trained for advancement. You are learning important things in your life-classes that you will be able to use to move you forward in life. Rather than just solving a problem and then forgetting about what the solution was, you will be learning how to apply that principle to every area of your life for the rest of your life. You won’t just be living; you will be living and learning. You won’t just be going through your daily routine; you will be preparing for your future.

An Easy Transition
  • Jesus is providing you with His training without you having to make major changes in your schedule. If you are concerned about how you are going to have the time to get Jesus’ training, then select “The Easy Personal Growth System” words below and it will help relax you. If you want to just go ahead and give it a try, then you can select the “I’m Ready To Get Started” words below and see how it works.

  • If you are concerned about the books that will supply you with Jesus’ daily training, then select the words below that say: “Why These Books.” It will help you see that Jesus will be providing you with Biblically based truths that you can trust your life with. But, if you want to go ahead and see for yourself, as you go along, select the “I’m Ready To Get Started” words below and you will immediately see that this is all about Jesus.

  • If you feel you are ready to get started with the “Starting Your Day With Jesus” series select the “I’m Ready To Get Started” words below and it will take you to the book list.

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