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The Holy Spirit is your Kingdom Trainer for bringing the life and ministry of Jesus into your life and ministry. Now Is The Time To Excel In Spiritual Things
Our only source of knowing ANYTHING about God’s Kingdom is through the Holy Spirit’s training in the Bible. It is our manual for preparing for all of eternity. If we only learn the Bible so we can be successful here on earth, we are missing out on a tremendous amount of information. If we see this world as our training ground for eternity, it will change most of everything we do. You can earn money in such a way that you are able to live a better life here; or, you can earn money in such a way that you learn all kinds of spiritual principles AND live a better life here. If you learn spiritual principles that make you successful in financial issues, you will be successful here and you will be better prepared for living in the spirit realm where God lives. It is so important for us to get ready for living in God’s Kingdom in eternity. Our training and our lifestyle here has a tremendous effect on what our eternity will be like. Far beyond the issues between heaven and hell, God has plans for you based on the type of Christian life you live here. Going to heaven is only the beginning of the issues God is dealing with in preparing you for eternity. 1 Cor 3:11-15 (NIV) For no one can lay any foundation other than the One already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man’s work. If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward. If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames. Jesus’ life, message, ministry, and methods will be helping you grow into one who produces a lot of fruit for God. You will be a dynamic Christian and will be able to produce dynamic Christians through His power. You will be able to enter heaven with great rewards and skills that you will be able to immediately use in eternity. We will all be able to continue to grow in our knowledge and abilities in eternity; but, some will start with a lot more spiritual aptitude, intelligence, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, skills, and talents. Also, some will start off with a lot more opportunities for spiritual assignments. There Are Two Ways Of Doing Everything
We have looked at a lot of things that are sins and misdeeds of the body. But, there are things that aren’t wrong in the sense that they are sins. They just aren’t teaching you how to live the victorious Christian life; and, they aren’t teaching and preparing you for living in God’s Kingdom. Right and wrong can move far beyond good and evil.
The thing that confuses us about the right way and the wrong way of living life, is the fact that we can “succeed” at life while doing things that aren’t God’s way of doing them. We can earn a lot of money by using worldly principles rather than God’s principles. We can gain power, positions, prestige, popularity, and possessions all by applying “good” business principles. We can look at all our accomplishments that we have achieved through applying world principles and feel like we have reached our full potential. But, as we go through the Bible and start allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us Jesus’ message, life, and methods, we will soon see we are REALLY a failure at life. |
We ran a race and finished a course that didn’t get us ready for God’s Kingdom. We have won at life and failed at eternity. We know almost everything about something that is going to come to an end for us, and almost nothing about something that is going to last forever for us. Being Poor In Spirit Makes You Teachable
You and all those who will work with you on this life and ministry of Jesus will be transformed by Him. Your life on earth and your existence in eternity will be blessed in a way that is far beyond any of our comprehension. All it takes is a willingness of open our hearts up to Jesus’ ways and He will convince us of a far better way of approaching life on earth. The life we live on earth, through Him, will make us successful here and forever. Because you are open to Him and receptive to His teaching, you will have a chance to prove to yourself that He knows what is the very best for you and those you are ministering to. Everything the world has taught us needs to be presented to Jesus so He can let us know what to do with it. Even those things that don’t seem to have any spiritual application still need to be examined by Jesus. His wisdom is so great that we need His influence and evaluation on all those things we believe and base our lives on. Anything that is contaminating our life will contaminate our ministry. Anything that contaminates our ministry will contaminate those we are trying to help. The slightest contaminate can eventually hurt a lot of people including ourselves. We need to always be teachable in our relationship with the Holy Spirit. What Does Jesus Want You To Know?
Being poor in spirit helps you come to Jesus with an open heart asking Him to tell you what to believe, what to base your life on, and what to discard out of your mind and heart. It helps you accept principles that you aren’t living yet but totally agree with. God isn’t expecting you to immediately change your life into those things Jesus is telling you. First, you have to know the truth before it can set you free (John 8:32). Your desire to know what Jesus’ truth is, is your first step into learning and knowing the truth. Study is your second step into knowing what Jesus’ truth is. The Holy Spirit will be taking the Bible and especially the Gospels and leading you into all Jesus’ truths, as you study.
After you find out through studying under the training, leadership, and instruction of the Holy Spirit, prayer will be your path to being set free by the truths you are getting to know (Matthew 7:7-11). As the Holy Spirit helps you pray for all these wonderful truths of Jesus (Romans 8:26-27), Jesus will speak faith into your heart so you will be able to believe the truth He is giving you (Romans 10:17). The greek word for the spoken word in this verse is rhema. Scriptures come alive in creative faith when Jesus speaks them to you (rhema). All of a sudden a Scripture becomes real and your faith that it is true becomes stable and secure. This is caused by the Holy Spirit taking the things of Jesus (John 16:13-15) and bringing Jesus’ spoken words (rhema) into your mind and heart. Once you have rhema faith from Jesus through the Holy Spirit’s teaching, you will be ready to start TRYING to take faith-action. You and those you are ministering to will have to learn how to live this new truth. It will be like trying to learn how to ride a bicycle. There will be some running into trees, falling, and very shaking steering. But, GRADUALLY you will get better and better at living that particular truth through constant attempts and PRACTICE at faith-action. |
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
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