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How Do I GET The Power?
Being Born Again
John 3:3 (NIV) In reply Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” This is a very important study; Jesus not only uses it to deal with the instructions for how to get His power in your life, He uses it to take you step-by-step into actually getting that power. Many people have been given training on Christianity. But, they haven’t been given the steps into experiencing a new birth into salvation that produces Christianity. You can learn how to “act” like a Christian; you can even learn how to talk “like” a Christian; but, acting like and talking like a Christian doesn’t make you a Christian; only Jesus and His power can do that.

It Happens At An Exact Moment
Jesus, through “The Power Introduction” courses introduced you into information “about” Christianity; that made you knowledgeable and informed; but, it didn’t make you transformed. You met Nicodemus, as Jesus explained being born again in the “Importance Of The Power Life” course. Nicodemus was very knowledgeable about God and the things of God; but, Jesus knew he had not yet been born again.

The thing we all have to realize is, only those who have taken the steps with Jesus into the new birth experience, get born into God’s family, get the new life, and get Jesus’ power to live life. Being born again is an experience that Jesus gives us; it happens in a moment of time, not over a long period of training; it is an actual, supernatural, spiritual birth.

Getting An Actual Spiritual Birth
Just like there is a moment when a baby is born into this world, there is an exact second when a person is born again into the family of God. Jesus will use this study to take you right up to and through the moment when you are born as a child in the family of God. If you have never experienced a moment where Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, told you that you are a child of God, then you need to take a look at this study.

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