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The MONEY Issue
Money Issues
Creating debt of some kind is something that almost everyone has to do. There are high-ticket items that cost too much for us to be able to pay cash for them. A house, a car, or some item that we have to have that is too expensive to pay for from our available money causes us to have to get a loan.

It is when we start getting loans or establishing credit for too many things that we have a problem. It is a problem when we spend more money than we are able to earn. It is a problem when we are forced to spend most of our time working just so we can pay our bills. Jesus wants us to spend a lot of time with our spouse, with our family, with our friends, and with Him. He wants to show you how to use your money to enhance your relationship with yourself, with other people, and with Him.

There are two possible issues you need to consider concerning your bills and your other financial issues.
  • Are you spending money on things that you really don’t need?

  • Or, did you make wise spending decisions and then something caused your income to decrease unexpectedly?

Jesus is ready to help you with issues you created on purpose, with issues that were forced on you, and with issues that were caused by you not knowing how to manage your finances. He has powerful principles that will help you be a wise manager of your finances. You and He will be working together on where to invest your money, how to invest it, where to invest, with whom to invest, and how often to save, earn, give, and spend it.

In this study, Jesus will be dealing with all the major financial situations you will be facing. If finances are the area where you are suffering the most, then Jesus will use this study to provide you with Biblical principles that will help you find the victories you need. Just select the “Money” word in the gray box and it will take you to that study.

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