If you can’t find a specific life issue from The HELP Subject Sheet, then you can use this subject to get you started learning powerful, life-freeing principles. They will empower you to obtain and live in a way of life that gives you control over the problems you face.
Sometimes it isn’t one big problem you are having to deal with; it can be a whole bunch of little problems that have piled up. In this case, you will need to take all your smaller problems and deal with them like they are one big issue. In this study, Jesus will help you learn, in a general way, how to deal with all of the situations you come across as you live each day.
If you feel you have a problem that isn’t addressed in the study list, this is a good way for you and Jesus to approach a solution to it. Whenever you see the word “life,” you can mentally replace it with the word that represents your unique problem. You will find that this is a very helpful way for Jesus to give you the Biblical principles you need so you can get the victory over one or more problems.
However, if you can find a specific subject that will help you, it would be better to learn these Biblical principles in a more specific way. You should only use this method of learning this powerful system in a general way, if you can’t find a subject that deals with your problems directly. Just select the “Life” word in the gray box and it will take you to this life study.