Addiction Issues
When you are in control of your decision making, you are living a life that you can enjoy. But, it is at the place where something you involved yourself in starts to control or have a powerful affect on how you live your life; that is something you need to take special notice of.
Addictions aren’t like habits where you do things because that’s the way you have always done them. An addiction is an area of your life where you can decide you don’t want to do it anymore and your body forces you to do it anyway.
There are normal addictions and abnormal addictions. For example, we all have to have food, water, and air. It is normal for us to be addicted to air; it is a necessity of life.
However, it isn’t necessary for us to eat too much. If you eat enough food to meet your daily requirements and then find yourself being forced to eat more, you have an abnormal addiction in that area. In the food case, you can tell you have a problem because you gain more weight than you should.
A lot of people don’t know they are addicted because they have never tested to see if they could quit or control it. The way you can find out whether or not you are abnormally addicted to something that isn’t a necessity of life, is to try to stop the activity for a year.
A Specific Addiction
You may be addicted to pornography, sex, gambling, over spending, drugs, alcohol abuse, or over eating. There is a gray box at the bottom of this page that addresses these additional addiction issues. Just scroll down to the bottom of this page and select the one that you need to work on. But, if your addiction issue isn’t listed in the gray box or you just want to work on addiction in a general way, go ahead and select the word “Addiction” and it will address your struggle by just using the word addiction.
Ask Jesus to help you apply this general word to the thing you are struggling with. If you find that you have a general addiction to several small things, then you should ask Jesus to help you apply yourself to this study. Just select the “Addiction” title in the gray box and it will take you to that general addiction study. But, if you have a specific addiction, then check out the list of addictions and see if one of them describes your situation better.