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When you start getting loans or establishing credit for too many possessions that is when you have a problem. When your goal becomes an effort to accumulate as many possessions as you can get, you are getting your esteem and value through those things. When you are never so happy as when you get something new, then possessions have become an end in themselves. When you never seem to have enough, when you always want the best, when what you have isn’t big enough or good enough, and when you are exhausting your finances for things, that is a possession problem.

Jesus is ready to help you with issues you created on purpose, with issues your heart forced on you, and with issues that were caused by you not knowing you had an addiction. He has powerful principles that will help you win over the drives that are causing you to glory over your possessions. You and He will be working together on why you need these things to make you feel better. There are damaged areas in your heart that only He can heal. He will help you find a peace, a love, and a satisfaction that possessions can’t give you.

In this study, Jesus will be dealing with all the major drives you will be facing. If having possessions is the area where you are suffering the most, then Jesus will use this study to provide you with Biblical principles that will help you find the victories you need. Just select the “Possessions” word in the gray box and it will take you to that study.

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