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The Power Presentation Studies
For Life Issues

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“The Importance Of Eternal Life”
Week One.

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“The Power Studies” Presentation

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you will be given two ways for doing these studies.
There are three sections in the “Introducing You Into The Power” study because Jesus uses it to present what this power to win over life issues is all about. If you know you are a Christian beyond a shadow of a doubt, do you know what all the benefits of Christianity are? Millions of people have already found these Biblical principles giving them the power they needed to deal with life issues. They just made sure they knew what was available to them.

This is a very important group of studies where Jesus deals with why you should allow His power-life to empower you. Many Christians came to Jesus to help them with their life. But, the only thing they were helped with was walking through the door into Christianity. As you go through this set of studies, if you would like to make sure you know what all Jesus has to offer, then it would be good for you take out the time.

The Importance Of The Power Life
In this study Jesus helps you see the benefits of His power life. It is amazing how much you can learn about life and success and still not live like you should. You are aware of a lot of things you know you should be doing. But, there seems to be something blocking you off. Power to do what you know you should be doing is the answer to much of success in life. Jesus uses this study to take a look at what the power-relationship with God is able to do for you.

Jesus also tries to help uninformed Christians see some of the things they are missing. Many are convinced that they know what the power-life is all about. But, in reality they are living a very powerless life. If you are struggling with living those things you know you should be living, if you are failing at things you feel you should be succeeding at, if you are being defeated by things you should be able to defeat, then you should spend time with Jesus in this study.

The Importance Of Eternal Life
In this study Jesus helps you understand the procedures you would have to use to get the power-life. The life you are living here on earth is just the beginning of your existence. It is to get you ready for a life that never ends. If you were going to die and cease to exist, then you should try to have as much fun and experience as much pleasure as you can. But, if there is eternal life after death, then you need to get ready for it and not neglect what it take to get there.
The life you lived in school wasn’t the kind of life you lived all the days of your life. School-life is just a life that is to get you ready for real life. The life you are living now is like school-life; it is just a training that is to get you ready for eternal life. Jesus uses “The Importance Of Eternal Life” to explain why you need to live your current life as a training-life.

Once you understand eternal life, it will encourage you to have a lot of faith and hope for your eternal future. In this study, Jesus will help you apply yourself now because of how great your eternal future is going to be. Life will take on a whole new meaning, as you learn how much this life influences your eternal life.

From Power Life To Eternal Life
What Are You Training For?
In this study Jesus actually takes you step-by-step and leads you into getting the power life. It is great to find out how wonderful your eternal life is going to be. However, it is very important to understand what you need to be doing to get it. This study spends additional time laying out all the benefits you can look forward to after you leave this life. And, it helps you see why you need to apply yourself to getting your eternal life.

What Are You Hunting For?
God isn’t just offering you a way to get rid of bad addictions, habits, and life problems, He is offering you a way of life that makes sense. We have all obtained things and relationships that we thought would make us happy. And, we have all been made happy for a short period of time from those experiences. But, you have found that the happiness that many of those achievements and successes produced, either wore off or became painful, disappointing experiences.

What Are You Living For?
After you have lived long enough to have tried many different things to help yourself be happy, you start to look back at all your efforts and wonder what life is all about. Is it just about momentary successes, experiences of pleasure, feelings of happiness and then disappointment and emptiness? Is there a goal, a dream, a plan and purpose for all this? The “From The Power Life To Eternal Life” study answers these and many more questions.

What Are You Reaching For?
Through these studies, you will keep moving into the levels of life success and keep finding out how to deal with life issues. You will be able to win over them, learn how to use these principles for handling other issues in your life, and learn how to share these principles with those around you.

You were just looking at the course,
“The Importance Of Eternal Life”
Week One.

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The Importance Of
The Power Life
Week One

Week Two
The Importance Of
Eternal Life
Week One

Week Two
From Power Life
To Eternal Life
Week One

Week Two

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