The Answer To The Big Question For
Life Issues

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Why Am I Struggling With A Problem
I Can’t Seem To Defeat?
Welcome to a quick study that deals with a question that most of us ask from time to time. We all have struggles with our attitudes, our character, our words, and our deeds that we seem to be able to work on and fix. There are problems we have with various events of our lives that we can keep from happening again. But, typically we all have one issue we seem to have to keep dealing with.

Jesus wants to help you address these problems and issues that keep coming back no matter how hard you try to get rid of them. He will help you realize that most people have one of these problems and will help you see some solutions to dealing with them.
Keeping It Simple
Jesus has helped us provide studies that consist of two pages of material a day. And, each course lasts from two to five days a week (most of them last five days). Jesus wants to help you WHILE you are going about your normal life. To get this question answered, you would start with the first day, read two pages that address this question, spend the day thinking and praying about the material you were presented in those two pages, and then come back the next day for two more pages.

By working with Jesus through this simple system, it will keep these programs, studies, and materials from dominating your life. By the end of a year, you will have received an incredible amount of healing, help, and training WITHOUT having to devote yourself to hours of study each day. Just select the words “The Question” above or below and you will get started with Jesus on this study for this week.

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