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Welcome To
“Hearing God’s Voice”
Devotional Series

Becoming a Christian caused you to be born again. It was a new birth into a new family. Your new Father is your heavenly Father. You are now His child. One of the greatest things that comes out of your heavenly Father becoming your Father and you being His child is the fact that you and He can now talk together. But, just like it is a growth process for new born babies to learn how to communicate with their parents, so is it a growth process for us to learn how to hear and understand our heavenly Father. Communication with Him involves learning the difference between His voice and all other voices. Unfortunately, there are a lot of other voices coming at us and we don't always know the difference. We are going to be looking at the important issue of voice tone, voice character, tuning into the right voice, and responding to all voices in a Biblical way.
Your heavenly Father has a voice tone that is different from all other voices. In this course of study you will learn how to tell the difference between His tone and all other voice tones. God also has a very special character. His voice character resonates with love and generosity. You will be able to distinguish between God’s voice character and the voice character of all other voice sources. Once you can tell the difference between God's voice tone and character, you will then learn how to tune into His voice and tune out all the other voices coming at you. This will make it possible for you to learn how to respond to your heavenly Father in a receptive and loving way. It will also empower you to respond to all other voices in an appropriate way that will be a blessing to you and all those around you.

God bless you abundantly as you move forward in your spiritual journey.   

Please Select The Devotion You Wish To Go To
1- Knowing God’s Voice Tone 2- The Character Of God’s Voice

3- Tuning Into God’s Voice 4- Responding To God’s Voice

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